Saturday, June 20, 2009

Supermarket Tea

I love Wegmans. They are a east coast supermarket chain that doesn't market themselves specifically as "green" or "organic" (see a nationwide chain with a Whole history of bad union relations) but has a great local section and lots of organic produce. I think because they are just on the east coast all their suppliers are much closer and thereby fresher. They also have a great natural foods section that has a surprisingly good loose tea selection.

Yesterday I picked up some White Silver Needle (see above), Green Dragon Well, and Tai Kwon Yin (I can't believed I spelled that right the first time) oolong. I've gotten their Dragon Well and its just as good if not better than others that I've had. I made a pot of the Tai Kwon Yin today and it was fantastic. A bit sweeter than I've had in past batches of the popular oolong but very smooth and complex even after 3 brews.

Tea chat had an interesting topic on this which had some educated guesses as to who their distro is. Check it out.

Their teas aren't graded but they are definately at the level of something like a Republic of Tea grade which is definately under a fancy grade but realy good. I realy think that the freshness of a tea however is just as important as grade and these teas taste very new and don't produce the dusty flavors that I've noticed in teas that have been on the shelf for too long.


  1. Haven't tried Wegmans, or their loose teas... but that's only because we are woefully bereft of a location close to us here in keyport. The closest is by Lou's job, and after all the time I spend commuting, I don't really feel like traveling that far for groceries, unless I can get some good deals that make up for the gas. Are they reasonably priced?

  2. very inexpensive, i think a 1/4 of each was like $7

  3. My friends (including some who are fairly seriously into tea) have told me good things about Wegmans teas. When I added them to I was surprised to find that they contain a number of single-region loose teas...pretty serious stuff (especially for a supermarket brand of tea). I haven't tried it yet but am eager to do so.
